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The Walking Dead S3's episode 3 rising in March

Grrrg arrgg

Telltale kicked off The Walking Dead season 3 [official site] with two episodes at once, and if you're into it I do hope you've savoured them. Episode 3 is due to arrive "later next month", Telltale announced today. All they say about it for now is that it's named 'Above the Law'. But which law?

The law of the jungle? Jude Law? The law against robbing banks with guitars? (Follow-up: who's at fault when someone is killed by death?) Sod's law? One of my favourites, North Berwick Law? Arthur C. Clarke's robolaws? I feel I'm only now understanding why law school is so expensive.

Our John was not a fan of season three's two-part start. Wot He Thought is:

"It's pure agony at this point that they’re re-running the exact same bloody plots yet again for a third five-part series, as if they weren't miserably worn out before even Telltale scooped them up off the floor and blew off the crust and fluff. That they're not even trying to take the slightest new angle belies a barren and bereft production not worth dragging your own mutilated corpse through."

Goodness me! But he's not even your fake dad, let alone your real dad. If you've shambled through the first two episodes, what do you make of it?

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