Why Finns like people falling over...
Old comrade Oskar Skog mentions that his Swedish bunch of readers have done an pile-on interview with RedLynx about recent RPS-celebration subject Trials 2. It's answering a bunch of questions from their readers, and - in the spirit of international goodwill - it's written in English, not Swedish. To reciprocate next month RPS will have Swedish Posting Week, where we'll have a shot of doing likewise. No, really. Some of the answers are fun. For example: Why Finnish games involve hurting.
Finland was still a bit over 100 years ago one of the poorest countries in Europe. Before that, even poorer. And when the country was underdeveloped, and poor, and climate is cold as you know, life most likely was far from easy. You had to face risk, danger, things we would nowadays see as very dark sides of life – maybe that started to develop a base for very sarcastic humor. It is easier to handle the negative things, if you can see some humor in them?"
I dunno what our excuse is.