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Win! Galactic Civilisations II: Endless Universe

And some other stuff! To celebrate the UK launch of the excellent Galactic Civilisations II: Endless Universe (which is basically the compilation version of the original game, with both of the expansions integrated for a full package of galactic conquest), we've got a bunch of GalCiv stuff to give away, including copies of the game and a resplendent Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi Platinum – Fatal1ty Champion Edition soundcard. This competition is only open to residents of the UK. Sorry! Clickwards for details.

These are the prizes you face:

1st Prize! Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi Platinum – Fatal1ty Champion, and a copy of the game.

2nd Prize! Creative Fatal1ty Gaming Headsetm and the game.

3rd Prize A copy of that splendid game.

To win you must send an email to this address. In it you must include your UK mailing address (just in case you win) and your answer to the following question:

If you were abducted from the Earth and forced to be the idle King of a decadent alien culture, what single videogame would you take with you, and why? The best three answers (as judged by our infallible answermometer) will receive the goods.

Closing date: 30th September.

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