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Win! Lich King Strategy Guide & Collector's Wotsit!

The games, they will not end. Just as we thought we'd finally reached the end of Big Release Silly Season, tomorrow brings the second World of Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. One or two people are probably slightly excited.

To celebrate (I love saying that, as it's a completely inaccurate way of describing a competition, conjuring images of us all sat around wearing Warcraft party hats and waving ARTHAS '08 flags. But still, it's the done thing for compos), we've arranged to give away Bradygame's official Wrath of the Lich King strategy guide and a special edition boxed copy of WOTLK itself to one lovely reader.

I've been thumbing through the strategy guide today, and my Lord but it's got a lot of useful stuff in its 352 pages. Maps'n'stats'n'quest guides, and of course a vast amount of finely-detailed loot locators. So I'm expecting to not need to refer to Thottbot when I venture back onto the WoW servers for the first time in a year tomorrow. Also, pictures. Pretty, pretty pictures. Entry details below the cut.

This is a UK-only competition, incidentally. Sorry, colonials and continental-brethren.

To lob your name into the hat, just mail us with your answer to the following question:

How much murk could a Murloc chuck if a Murlock could chuck murk?

What pick-up line would you use on a Death Knight?

The best/funniest/most randomly-chosen entry wins the Bradgames strategy guide and a special edition copy of Wrath of the Lich King. The other entries will receive our metaphysical love.

Closing date is 30th November.

Both the game and the strategy guide are released tomorrow. More details on the latter over yonder.

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