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Win MOW Assault Squad Beta Access

Competition time again, this time via DigitalMindSoft and Men Of War: Assault Squad. While both RUSE and Starcraft 2 have made us rather merry recently, it's actually the newly returning star of Men of War that has made me, personally, most happy. I've raved about it. Twice. Now though Men of War: Assault Squad's beta testing phase, which has kept me amused for countless hours across the past couple of months, is recruiting a select few extra people. We have twenty beta accounts to give away. What you need to do is to mail us via this link, keeping the subject line "Tiny Hero, Big Pockets" and tell us what you have in your inventory. The most amusing or poignant entries, as judged by the RPS compo-corporal, will receive details on how to claim their beta account. Closing date Monday 20th. But there's more! If the MOWAS Steam group hits 10,000 people it will go into an open beta. Frankly, we all want that. Join the MOWAS Steam group here.

Standard compo rules apply. Enter! Win!

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