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Wordle answer (Saturday 18 June 2022): Wordle word of the day #364 and hints

Hints and the answer to today's Wordle word

A close-up of part of a Wordle grid. The letters spell "what is the answer".
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Looking for the Wordle answer for Saturday 18 June 2022? Happy weekend, everyone! Let's all start the way we mean to go on: banging our heads in frustration against the simple, silly, brilliant little daily word puzzle that has enraptured the world for months now.

Below we'll help alleviate the pain of having to engage your brain on a Saturday morning by revealing our three carefully crafted hints to today's Wordle solution. And for those who just want the solution itself, further below you can find today's Wordle answer and an explanation of its meaning.

Wrong day? Check out the Wordle hint and answer for Sunday 16th February instead!

Hints for today's Wordle answer (Saturday 18 June 2022)

If you're looking for a few clues that might help you towards finding today's Wordle word, check out the below hints for today's answer:

  • Today's Wordle word has just three unique letters.
  • The vowels outnumber the consonants.
  • The word relates to something sweet.
Looking for an alternative to Wordle? Here are eight of our favourite Wordle-likes to add to your morning puzzle routine.Watch on YouTube

Today's Wordle answer: what is the Wordle word for 18 Jun?

Alright, enough teasing. If you're just here to learn about the solution word itself, check it out below.

Today's Wordle answer is: CACAO.

Those who guessed "COCOA", my condolences. Cacao is today's Wordle word, and it's the name of the seed from which the altogether lovelier compounds of cocoa and chocolate are made. So it's very similar both in spelling and in meaning to cocoa - but not quite in taste, as cacao nibs themselves are likely far more bitter than the chocolate you're used to scarfing down.

As usual, we urge each of you to keep the delectable secret of today's Wordle answer to useful for the time being, and not spread it around lest you spoil the fun of other players who like to work these things out for themselves.

If you're looking for tips and tricks on how to get better at divining each day's Wordle answer, be sure to check out our list of the best Wordle starting words. You can also check our past Wordle answers list if you want an idea of the sorts of five-letter words that have historically been chosen as the answer.

Use our Wordle Solver tool to help you figure out the answer to any Wordle in moments! Just pop your current guesses in the grid and watch the tool instantly give you all the potential answers.

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