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You! Independent Developer, Listen Up.

There is ONE WEEK LEFT to submit your game for the Indie Games Arcade (aka THE ROCK, PAPER, SHOTGUN INDIE GAMES ACRADE ARCADE), which is talking place from 22nd to the 25th of September at Earls Court, as part of the Eurogamer expo. If you are selected then seventy billion people will see your game! Hell, at least half a dozen of those people will be me. Want some more details? Read the magically extended version of this post for information provided by dashing Indie Games Arcade organiser, David Hayward. He'll organise you right up.

Here is the lowdown:

There is just over one week left to submit your games for the Indie Games Arcade, which will be happening at the Eurogamer Expo from September the 22nd to the 25th.

We've had a lot of games submitted already, but we want MORE! Just like last year, RPS will be presenting a best in show award.

The submission guidelines are here and the deadline for submissions is August the 19th, which is a week on Friday.

There's also been a little bit of confusion. In the guidelines it states: "You can't be signed to a publisher or platform holder at the time you make the submission". People have been asking me "Does XBLIG count?". The answer is no, it doesn't, because you're just going through community approval to put stuff up there.

The reason that rule is in is because we want the IGA to promote games and developers that don't already have the massive leg up that comes from having a deal signed with a major publisher or platform holder. That's it. You don't have to be ultra-obscure or struggling to get into the IGA.

Send your submissions to

That's David Hayward! He can ride a unicycle, you know.

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