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You Will Say D'aaaw: Balloon

I like cute things. Scratch that. I begrudgingly like cute things. They mesmerize me with their widdle squeaks and giant eyes, and my ability to pay attention to anything else melts right alongside my dumb, easily swayed heart. I could've written a novel or been a doctor. I really could've. Instead, I spent the past who-knows-how-long playing Balloon, because I found myself gripped by a nigh-primal urge to hear my tiny blob creature avatar blurt out a doughy "Yay!" after I solved puzzles.

Balloon is, however, admittedly a neat little game. It's more or less a point-and-click adventure, but with nary a hint of dialog or instruction. You just sort of have to fiddle with the world and make things happen. I've come across a few fairly devilish puzzles, though, and many solutions inspire equal numbers of "ooooohs" and "ooooooos." Currently, I'm stuck, which is why I'm able to write this post at all. Will I ever hear that sweet, delicious delivery of "Yay!" ever again? Because even if I give up and become a doctor, I'll never be able to mend a broken heart.

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