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Your Invite To Tonight's Gaming BAFTAs

Are you eager to see people from the games industry in clothes that don't look like they've been put through the 'grey and rumpled' cycle of the washing machine? Because this is your chance! Tonight is the industry BAFTA awards, and even if you weren't invited (AHEM!) you can still join in the crushing disappointments and the victorious thrills by observing the livestream. This year it's once again being hosted by Irish joke-talker Dara O Briain, and it's expected Notch will be there to pick up his BAFTA Special Award in Persson. Ahem.

Gaming luminaries, like Craig Fairbrass (?) and, er, Charlotte Jackson (...) will be handing out the odd, shiny face things. There are two places to see the gold faces being handed out: IGN and BAFTA. And to prepare, here's BAFTA's very own video. Make sure you use the correct hashtag: to do otherwise would bring shame upon your people.

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