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You're The Boat Boss: Leviathan's Smoooooooth Moves

From the ridiculous to the sublime of the strange, strange world of videogame trailers. This is how you make a strategy game about boats look like the most appealing thing to everyone, ever, everywhere. Jazz, a honeyed voiceover, and at least thirteen RPS comments threads' worth of puns. Very well played, Paradox's Leviathan: Warships.

Ship just got real, indeed.

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What an impressionable young man I can be. Leviathan's just gone from 'I think I heard of that - was it something to do with tanks?' to 'now I must play this immediately.'

Of course, when the game itself turns out to not have a jazz soundtrack, and the voiceover is done not by Captain Sex here but instead by that guy Paradox repeatedly hire to do excruciating Sean Connery impressions in their Ardania games, I'm going to have a little cry.

And, as it happens, Paradox are hosting a livestream of Leviathan pretty much any second now (i.e. 8pm CET, which I believe is 7pm UK time, though I may well have got my timezones wrong), so get yourself over here, or watch in the window below, if you want less pun-based details on it.

Watch live video from Paradox Interactive - Paradox Plaza on

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