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We should probably know better than to get so carried away by the joy of Portal paraphenalia that we post links to Valve's online store every time they update. I mean, they're not even advertising with us. Man, we can't even get being corporate shills right. But it's hard to resist pointing out these new Portal-related t-shirts that have just gone on sale.

The shirts are designed by Portal developers Kim Swift and Realm Lovejoy, and don't bear the usual horrible markings of game-related merchandise. I.e. you could actually wear them in public. There's, of course, a Weighted Companion Cube shirt, with a madly scrawled love poem on the back, a long-sleeve Cake shirt, featuring the repeated insistence that "the cake is a lie" on the reverse, and a rather elegant t-shirt or hoodie with GLaDOS draped over the shoulder. Elegant hoodie? That sounds wrong.

They're the featured items on the store front page just now.

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