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A Light in Chorus shines in RPS Cave of Wonders at Rezzed

Particle pleasure

This week we'll be taking a closer look at what's going to be in the RPS Cave of Wonders at Rezzed! Let's take a peek at the sparkling, magical landscape of A Light in Chorus!

We've been banging on about A Light In Chorus [official site] for years because it's a) beautiful and b) really interesting to play as the team figured out what story they wanted to tell with the technology. What they've ended up with is this glorious gamescape composed of glowing particles. You're exploring a submerged future version of Earth and transforming it through your interactions.

Oh, and all of this has been inspired by the Voyager Golden Records which are the artefacts sent out on the Voyager spacecraft containing sounds and imagery to represent or portray this planet's life and culture.

Just look at these gifs!


And that's why it's in the Cave of Wonders.

EGX Rezzed 2017 runs from 30 March – 1 April at the Tobacco Docks in London (nearest stations are Shadwell and Wapping). You can pick up Rezzed tickets here and don't forget there's also the RPS mixer in association with The Signal From Tolva which should be really a lovely and friendly gathering :)

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