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A Serious Video For Serious Max Payne 3

"Rockstar - forever counting down to the next trailer", observes our Adam wryly. Indeed, this does appear to be their current MO - declaring a trailer's arrival in advance, and hoping to cause internet frenzy during the wait. So, this one, which I believe is our first substantial look at the game in action, will unlock at 5pm UK time. I'll leave it below for you - feel free to spend the next 15 minutes staring at a black box, or why not go and have a jog or plant a tree in the meantime? This four minutes of narrative video is, by the way, billed as "a first look at the targeting mechanics, movement and animation, enemy intelligence and other technical design innovations going into building an advanced, intense and immersive action-shooter with Max Payne 3."

Hands up who's hot for targeting mechanics?

Remember: the video won't work until 5pm UK time.

(A few comments to follow once it's live. I've seen it already, and confirm it's very serious.)

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