Alice Doesn't Live Here: BigHead Bash
There's probably some irony in the latest title from a man whose name appeared in big huge letters on the front of so many game boxes involving the word 'BigHead', but I'll be damned if I can tell what it is.
BigHead BASH is the latest move from American McGee and his Spicy Horse studio, and it's a forthcoming social network game. I don't know whether this means Alice: Madness Returns wasn't the hoped-for success or just that McGee fancies a go at the Facebook goldrush before it dries up, but I do know that it's a side-scrolling 3D shooter with tons of shooty-jumpy activity.
It's about guys with big heads and they bash each other, see? Looks fairly attractive - and proper-actiony, with multiplayer and everything - for a social network game, though I fear there isn't much trace of the strange, inventive art of Alice in there. Though admittedly the large-mouthed faces smeared across those big heads are pretty freaky in close-up.
There will, of course, be 'premium content' (HINT: that means 'paid content') and you are, of course, asked to Like (HINT: that means 'signing up for marketing') the game's Facebook page for updates and better odds of getting on the beta.
Due in February, this one.