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Alice Launch Trailer Is Messed Up, Amazing

You're late! For a very important date! The trailer after the jump has been waiting just forever for you. And look at you! Straighten that pinny! Tighten those bows! What is that in your hair? Give me strength. Alright, off you go. And do try and remember your manners.

I've been hearing worrying things about the quality of the platforming and combat in this one, but I'm not personally worried. If the game can just maintain a steady stream of ominous, fantastical imagery, you better believe I'll soldier through any mediocre puzzles or irritating jumping puzzles. Look at that disturbing vibrating rabbit-man at 0:27! The disturbing tooth creature at 1:18! Whatever the crap that thing is at 1:19! The range of dresses! Ooh yes, I'm looking forward to this.

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