Alone In The Dark: "Cinematic" Trailer
What's described as a cinematic trailer for Alone In The Dark has appeared, and will appear again below the jump.
I think I'd like games to be a bit more distinct when selling themselves via trailers, beyond emulating the visual styles of film trailers. In order for game trailers to look like film trailers, they need to be about 90% cutscene, 9% logos, and around 1% in-game footage. Which is a bit of a waste of everyone's time, since, well, it's not a film. (And really, the last thing you want to do is associate yourself with anyone's memories of Boll's Alone In The Dark film. If I were Atari I'd have the trailer be 90% explaining that it's nothing to do with that movie).
However, the astonishingly brief glimpses of the game in there still look enticing. Although I'd like for the GTA-ish driving sequences to be kept to a minimum, if possible. (I know they're reading this, desperately recoding the game in response to every word I utter). And kudos to the "camera" work with the thrown bottle, spinning around for the shot that explodes it - very pretty.