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Amnesia Nearing 200k Units Sold

Amnesia might put a chill into the heart of many gamers, but it has nonetheless generated a rather heart-warming story for its developers. With nearly 200,000 units sold, the team are now hoping that that their minds haven't actually been eroded by a Lovecraftian monster: "This is a tremendous amount and more than we ever thought we would. Our "dream estimates" before release was something around 100k, and to be able to double that feels insane," says the latest blogpost. It also says: "The sales that we have had (and are having) are more than enough to motivate developing a game with the PC as the main (and even only) platform. Based on what we have seen, the online PC market is just getting bigger and bigger, and we are convinced we are far from the end of this growth. We think that other developers that consider making their game exclusive to a console might want to think again."

There's much more through the link.

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