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And Beyond: Star Citizen Has Raised $2 Million

Chris Robert's space game revival, the ambitious Star Citizen, has raised the $2 million that was needed before the development team could be convinced to turn on their computers and build a galaxy. Because of problems with their own money-gathering droids (they couldn't gather it as fast as it was being thrown, as I understand it), the project moved to the magical land of Kickstarter as well. A quick bit of advanced mathematics confirms that the $586,615 raised through Kickstarter plus the $1,416,317 figure on the Roberts Space Industries site is more than $2 million. So it's going to happen. Why should that excite your space-loins? Look here.

The Kickstarter still has a long way to go, ending on November 19th, and I wouldn't be surprised if the money keeps coming at a fair rate. There are stretch goals, although they are of the 'help us to do this sooner' rather than the 'convince us to do this at all' variety.

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