Assassin's Creed 4000 Minutes Of Gameplay Footage
No, this trailer doesn't actually contain 4000 minutes of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag footage. That would comprise the entire game, which Ubisoft has already handily hacked up into several thousand other trailers. But still, ten minutes is a pretty healthy helping even by Ubisoft trailer-every-14-seconds-to-the-point-where-I-have-yet-to-write-a-sentence-that-doesn't-contain-the-word-trailer standards. And you know what? It actually looks kind of great. I still worry that all this icing only serves to hide a fundamentally stale cake, but time will tell. For now, HARPOONS.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel. I wonder if you can harpoon them.
Diving looks pretty cool, though, even if underwater sections in games have almost unanimously been drowned in tedium. Also, smuggler's caves seem like a nice opportunity to test stealthing prowess (though I don't really understand why Kenway couldn't be arsed to just bring a knife), and naval battles are looking better than ever.
The harpoons look like harpoons.
Assassin's Creed IV will be out in November, which is basically tomorrow. Between now and then, expect to have seen the entirety of the game and also Assassin's Creed V, VI, VII and the inevitable MMO-MOBA-euro-truck-simulator spinoff. I am sort of interested in this one, though - perhaps if only because good pirate games have been precious few and far between. How about you?