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Now You See Her... Assassin's Creed Syndicate Evie Video

Sneaky murders

Ubisoft have let loose a bit of Assassin's Creed Syndicate [official site] in a nice 10-minute playthrough video taking a look at the game's secondary protagonist Evie, twin to playable Dude Hero Jacob Frye and a sensibly dressed Master of Stealth in her own right, as she infiltrates the Tower of London. You can watch it all below.

vie can be played across just a few missions, although you can switch between her and Jacob during the game's free-roaming. This is a Black Box mission in the style of last year's Assassin's Creed Unity - essentially the same thing as Deus Ex-styled nonlinear gameplay - where players are given a location to stealth their way into and can complete their mission a variety of different ways. In the video you'll see Evie infiltrating the Tower of London, attempting to hunt down an artefact of the First Civilisation. You can steal a set of keys, grab allies or just use yer invisbility stealth skill to get past the finishing line.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is due out on PC later this year - no specific release date just yet, although it's due out on consoles October 23th for reference.

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