Assassin's Thr33d Scr33ns L3ak
Poor Ubisoft: everything they do seems to be leaked. Are they clutzes, incapable of keeping anything locked away in their forbidden closet of mystery? Or are they marketing geniuses, making us all rush to look at their things by pretending to drop an envelope with "IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS: Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge" in red across the front, right in front of people with a 'Press' card stuck in the rim of their hat? Anyway, Assassin's Creed 3 is now a known thing, and some screenshots have snuck out, confirming the American Revolution setting. There's a lot of rural brooding going on, including one shot where he's hunting an animal, and only one urban area. A new direction? Below I have the only PR released thing: the packshot. Unless that's what they want me to think? I don't know what to believe!
Embiggen for a cromulent pack shot.