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Get Assassin's Creed III for free on December 7

Or the opposite of a patriot if you live in the UK.

Ubisoft's "30 Days of Giveaways" is heating up on December 7 when Assassin's Creed III [official site] will be free to any and all who want it. Assassin's Creed III does tend to be fans' least favorite entry in the series, but for the price who can complain?

For those who haven't gotten around to playing Assassin's Creed III, it's a coming of age story of a young man named Ratonhnhaké:ton who has to deal with being caught between two worlds. As he struggles between the freedom of his mother's people and the controlling nature of his father's, the story gets even zanier when Ratonhnhaké:ton renames himself "Connor" and gets caught up in the American Revolution.

Connor will have to learn how to love himself before he can ease the conflict in his heart, and you can follow him on that journey. Any fan of the late 18th century will find something to like in Assassin's Creed III and even though the plot is somewhat maligned, it did introduce naval and base-building gameplay that was very popular in later games in the series. Yes, I have been very sarcastic throughout this post.

If you want to get your hands on Assassin's Creed III for free, you just have to have a Uplay account. On December 7 head over to Ubisoft's 30 Days of Giveaways site and log in to claim your free copy.

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