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Badger Week: Shelter Launch Trailer

While felis catus is the official spirit animal of RPS, and the endless bear its deity, there is always a soft spot* for the badger. There has been a recent groundswell (pun!) of support that can't be ignored. That's all because of Shelter, Might & Delight's mightily delightful game that somehow transposes all those icky human feelings of family and love, as well as general concerns about feeding and care, into a game about badger survival. It's out now, and there's a launch trailer below.

I'm telling you now I am not going to play this. I don't play games to feel things. And my desk is right by my front window, which means my neighbours can see in. I refuse to answer their questions about why I'm blubbing with the word "badgers".

Thankfully for me I won't have to. John's been playing this and the review lands later today, so if you feel like waiting you can knowing that RPS cryingest reviewer has been sett on it. (That's enough - Ed.) Until then, if you missed it Cara's preview of it then you should read it. It's quite the thing, and it makes me doubly determined to not play it. At least not without emotional support and the curtains drawn. I'm now off to watch Jurassic Park in 3D, because I demand my entertainment to involve dinosaurs or theme parks that go wrong. Enjoy the badgers.

Watch on YouTube

*Made soft by tears and snot.

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