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Bang: Bulletstorm Gun Sonata DLC Released

Did you like Bulletstorm? Did you enjoy the multiplayer modes? So did I! I can't imagine anybody's still playing them, but that's for Epic and not me to decide. They've just released the Gun Sonata DLC pack, offering three new maps for Anarchy, the game's arena co-op point-scoring mode, and two new maps for Echo, the game's corridor-shooter point-scoring mode. For this they are charging ten American dollars, which is a number that is a little more than nine dollars, but significantly less than twelve dollars.

I think I need another mug of tea. Press release after the jump.

Seriously though, ten bucks for five new maps? And don't Activision charge $15 for the Call of Duty map packs these days? I think a penny just dropped for me. That's ridiculous.

New maps, more mayhem, more over-the-top action! The Bulletstorm Gun Sonata Pack is now available on PC in North America for $9.99. Players will have access to three new maps for the game's Anarchy multiplayer mode, including the calamitous Sewers of Stygia, the abandoned Hotel Elysium and the open spaces of Villa. In Anarchy multiplayer mode, teams of up to four players fight together to survive waves of blood-thirsty mutants while scoring Skillpoints in order to advance. These new areas provide a playground for gamers to work together to pull off heart-stomping team skillshots as they decimate their foes with creative mayhem mixed with an arsenal of the most gut-wrenching and unique weapons to appear in a first-person shooter game.

Gun Sonata Pack also includes two new Echo mode maps, including Crash Site and Guns of Stygia, offering completely new challenges for those competing to top personal high scores and global leaderboard rankings. In Echo mode, Bulletstorm tracks and compares players' scores through locations typically found in the campaign.

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