Barnstormer: Owlboy
These are difficult times, and difficult times can only be helped by a short, sharp burst of Owlboy. While we won't get to sample this apparently rather beautiful tale of a quasi-avian lad and his platforming adventures until August 20th, when a demo is due to land, this does mark the first decent footage we've seen of the game since early last year.
I might be prone to grumbling about the apparently endless tide of retro-esque platformers in indie gaming (and especially commercial indie gaming), but the music and art in this one is pure delight. See below, and feel heroic.
I'm all about the robo-frog-thing boss there. But mostly the music. Makes me feel like the Rocketeer.
This comes from Norwegian team D-Pad Studios, who are also working on a game known as Vikings On Trampolines. No idea what that could be about. Perhaps this trailer will answer that most oblique of riddles?
Ah! Now I understand. The clue was in the name all along!
Thanks Pixel Prospector and Fuggles.