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Batman Foils Penguin: Arkham Knight Scraps Linux, Mac


Oh dear. It's a shame that Batman: Arkham Knight [official site] has been such a mess on PC because it is a pretty fun game. But it was pulled from sale the day after launching due to its awful performance, took five months to relaunch, and was still a bit wonky after that. That'll sour impressions a touch. Now Arkham Knight's planned Mac and Linux versions are cancelled. Even though Batman himself digs *nix! Oh dear.

Publishers Warner Bros. said in a small statement on Steam:

"We are very sorry to confirm that Batman: Arkham Knight will no longer be coming to Mac and Linux. If you have pre-ordered Batman: Arkham Knight for Mac or Linux, please apply for a refund via Steam."

That's it. That's all. And yes, you will need to apply for a refund yourself - do remember to do that. Yes, there are ways to play Windows games on Mac OS X and Linux but it's not the same as a native version; Batman wouldn't settle for that MacGyver nonsense.

It seemed important that I research whether Batman himself uses Linux - reasons, y'know - and The Internet's Greatest Detectives say it's likely the Batcomputer runs some sort of Unix-y, Linux-ish doodad.

"He wouldn't use Linux because Linux uses The Penguin as their logo," Pip tells me.


Then I stole the core of her joke for this post's headline.

A bad friend.

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