Batman: Arkham Knight's New Batperformance Batpatch
BAM! BIF! POW! to bugs
The thing about Batman, people have repeatedly told me in pubs, is that he can overcome any situation and anyone because he plans for everything. Confirming that Warner Bros. are not run by an billionaire who gets his jollies wearing a wacky costume to beat up poor people, the launch of Batman: Arkham Knight [official site] was such a shambles WB pulled the game from sale, and their recovery plan has gone awry too.
After a delay, and a too-early launch-then-unlaunch this week, one of the planned performance-boosting patches is properly out. The game's still not back on sale.
WB say the main improvements in this week's patch are:
"Reduced frame rate hitches
Optimizations for system memory and VRAM usage
Improved performance on all GPUs (requires the latest drivers)
More Comprehensive In-Game Settings
Fixed low resolution texture bugs
Fixed hitches when running on mechanical hard drives (HDD)"
They also detail a few other things they're working on, including support for SLI and Crossfire graphics hardware and the game's delayed DLC.
They haven't said when the next patch - or the final patch - will arrive. Arkham Knight is listed on Steam as launching this autumn, which is either already here or starting in a few weeks, depending on how you like to mark the seasons. I'm all about astronomical seasons, me, and I get to write the words here so I declare it's still summer.