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Batman: Arkham Origins Has Multiplayer By Splash Damage

Splash Damage have just announced that they are to be creating the multiplayer for Batman: Arkham Oranges. The sequel is due out on the 25th October, which is two days before my birthday - PUT IT IN YOUR DIARY NOW - and it seems will have the pro team ensuring that going online is worthwhile.

The first Arkham game had no multiplayer at all, and it's good to see that Warner Montreal aren't opting to bodge their own. Instead they're remaining focused on the single-player game, and getting the team behind Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars to do the honours. And it's going to feature something involving 3 vs 3 vs 2. Erk. (The 2 being Batman and Robin.)

Here's the first trailer for that:

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