Break Into Prison Architect Later This Year
Introversion’s Prison Architect is the mysterious tumour that ate away at Subversion. Wait, that’s a horrible thing to say! Let me get my Men In Black Mind Eraser thing and we’ll pretend I never said - *flash* [Editor's Note - at this point Craig accidentally flashed his own memories. He doesn't know who he is, so we've told him he's Oor Wullie]. Crivens! Thuy sais it’s oot fur a’body aroond September, if yer up for contributin’ tae tha alphu.
Jings, it’s gonna be pure dead brilliunt. Ah game where ye look efter an' run a gaol. An' thull evun gie it tae yeh if yer nice an’ pay up tae help fund it. Like yon Minecraft, a’body cun get it ahead ah time, payin’ fur the game tae be devel’pd like. Every so often ye’ll get updates, once uh month or somethin’. Ahm puttin' it on mah bucket list.
Wanna see thu' furst trailer again? Aye, I reckon.
Chris an' Marky boy uh Intravershun telt that PC Gamer place aw aboot it.