Brutal Legend "Premiere" Next Week?
Interesting news regarding Brütal Legend. Which is a splendid thing to be able to say. After Atari picked up Ghostbusters, it's hard not to despair that Schafer's new project is still without a publisher, following the Activision/Blizzard high speed collision. So how come Jack Black's going to be showing a "premiere" of the game at next week's Spike TV's 2008 Video Game Awards? And for goodness sakes, will it be on PC?
The story, linked by Double Fine's Action News, talks about how Black will be presenting an award, but also promoting the game he worked on with Schafer. He explained why he'll be there to USA Today,
"[It's] appropriate because I have a big video game coming out, Brütal Legend, that I did with Tim Schafer, the creator of Psychonauts, which is my favorite video game in the world."
Schafer, plugging the event, adds,
"Omg you should definitely watch Spike TV’s 2008 Video Game Awards show on December 14 at 9 p.m. ET/PT because it will undoubtedly be the most amazing time of your life!"
So what don't we know? Has a publisher picked up the game? Are they self-publishing? What the crikey is happening? But whatever the case, I think it can only be good news that Double Fine are actively promoting the game in a manner which suggests it's not disappeared down the back of their sofa. We should definitely add, while the game's website is enormously out of date (still boasts a Sierra logo), there's still no official confirmation this is on PC. But it will be, won't it Tim? It will be. It just seems impossible that he'd abandon his home machine. Meanwhile, here's the original trailer.
Enormous thanks to The Poisoned Sponge for alerting us to this.