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Postin' Trailers Makes Me Feel Good

Stay Puft, man

Ghostbusters, as you may have heard, is back from the dead. It was an early casualty of the Actard merger, but has lately been rescued by Infogrames-in-disguise. Here's the new publisher's opening salvo - a partly pre-rendered trailer mostly showing off the original cast strutting their voice-stuff. It is fine to hear those characters again, though Bill Murray does sound like he's more in Garfield mode than Venkman mode. Moving pictures, talking voices and plasticy faces beneath the cut.

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Ghostbusters: The Videogame Trailer 3
Ah, that music, those voices - they'll forever tickle the happy-glands of any child of the 80s, eh? Of the game itself, we don't get too many hints. I'm presuming it's still in keeping with the early footage, which I have to say looked a tad troubling. That may be simply because I'm too unimaginative to think of a way in which a movie about four nerds being wry and inept would make a great action game.

Oh - and reportedly we're due for a third Ghostbusters movie, too. Apparently it'll concern Egon and co training up a new generation of 'busters. OH GOD. Also, did you know Rick Moranis has retired? He even refused to lend his voice to this game, blessim.

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