Who Ya Gonna Call?
Update - now with Stay-Puft screenshot!
Duh na nuh na nuh nah.
Splendid news, every citizen of the world. Blues News brings to our attention the news that there is to be a Ghostbusters game! A proper one, featuring the cast of the film.
Game Informer's December issue is apparently to feature all the news, with a big ol' promo on their website.
Talk of a new movie has been doing the rounds for a while, but now it seems certain that Harold Ramis, Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd will be getting back together, at least in digital form. Nothing to do with the Zootfly game that was rumoured a year ago, this could hopefully be more than Yet Another Shitty Movie Game, with the superb news that Aykroyd and Ramis will be writing the script. It seems it will be a sequel to the two (excellent) films, but as for what sort of game - that's not being said.
Oh, and what's happened to poor Ernie Hudson, the Forgotten Ghostbuster? Is he not involved? Man, it's always the black guy who dies first.
Please oh please oh please don't let it be a generic third-person action game made by soulless drones. Please?