Budget Witchwood decks: Cheap deck lists for the casual Hearthstone player
How to enjoy the new expansion on a shoestring budget!
UPDATE - 17th APRIL 2018 - We've given our budget deck list a bit of a freshening up, and also trimmed down the list of premium decks we've featured. That way if you do decide to upgrade, you're trading up into something that's likely to provide genuinely competitive in the long-term Witchwood meta!
ORIGINAL As a new or casual Hearthstone player it can feel hard to catch a break when a new expansion lands.
Everyone else is piling their shiny new Legendaries into decks that already cost a pretty penny, and it's hard to know where to start if you want to get a taste for what's new on a sensible budget.
That's where our round-up of budget Witchwood decks comes in. In this article you'll be able to dip into at least one new deck per hero, and we'll be updating this guide with other options over time. Most of the decks we've featured cost around 2,000 dust or less, and so should be in range of most budgets.

With that said, do keep in mind that the Witchwood meta is only just getting under way and we don't yet know which of these archetypes will prove powerful in the long run. Just keep that in mind as you appraise your crafting dust reserves!
UPDATE - We've dropped in our latest guides to playing the premium decks that are starting to dominate the meta. Have a browse through those if you want to stretch your budget a little further!

Budget Witchwood Druid Deck: Beast Druid
This is a pretty predictable budget Beast Druid deck that looks to field a number of minions on the board before empowering them with the likes of Power of the Wild and Savage Roar.
Druid | Neutral |
2 x Druid of the Swarm | 2 x Dire Wolf Alpha |
2 x Power of the Wild | 2 x Vicious Fledgling |
2 x Tortollan Forager | 2 x Lifedrinker |
2 x Crypt Lord | 2 x Night Prowler |
2 x Druid of the Scythe | 2 x Stranglethorn Tiger |
2 x Savage Roar |
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Premium Druid Decks
- 1. Hand Druid - Hand Druid deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 2. Spiteful Druid - Spiteful Druid deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 3. Big Dragon Druid - Big Dragon Druid deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 4. Taunt Recruit Druid - Taunt Recruit Druid deck list guide (Witchwood)

Budget Witchwood Hunter Deck: Midrange Hunter
Midrange Hunter is proving tricky to pin down at launch but this budget version should prove an accessible way of getting into the archetype.
Hunter | Neutral |
2 x Hunter's Mark | |
2 x Jeweled Macaw | |
2 x Crackling Razormaw | |
2 x Explosive Trap | |
2 x Hunting Mastiff | |
1 x Venomstrike Trap | |
2 x Wandering Monster | |
2 x Animal Companion | |
2 x Bearshark | |
1 x Unleash the Hounds | |
2 x Dire Frenzy | |
2 x Flanking Strike | |
2 x Houndmaster | |
2 x Wing Blast | |
2 x Lesser Emerald Spellstone | |
2 x Savannah Highmane |
Our Budget Midrange Hunter deck list guide contains more information on playing this kind of deck.
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAR8C2wmdzAIOjQG1A8kE6wftCYnDAo7DAtfNAt3SAt/SAuPSAtzuAsn4At6HAwA=
Premium Hunter Decks
- 1. Spell Hunter - Spell Hunter deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 2. Odd Baku Hunter - Odd Baku Hunter deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 4. Midrange Hunter - Midrange Hunter deck list guide (Witchwood)

Budget Witchwood Mage Deck: Elemental Mage
The following Elemental Mage deck list will give you a decent flavour of the archetype without breaking the bank:
Mage | Neutral |
2 x Arcane Artificer | 1 x Igneous Elemental |
2 x Mana Wyrm | 1 x Tol'vir Stoneshaper |
2 x Arcanologist | 2 x Servant of Kalimos |
1 x Flame Geyser | |
2 x Lesser Ruby Spellstone | |
2 x Shimmering Tempest | |
2 x Arcane Intellect | |
2 x Counterspell | |
1 x Ice Barrier | |
2 x Leyline Manipulator | |
2 x Steam Surger | |
2 x Water Elemental | |
2 x Bonfire Elemental | |
2 x Blizzard |
Check out our Elemental Mage deck list guide for more insight into how to play this kind of deck.
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Premium Mage Decks
- 1. Secret Tempo Mage - Secret Tempo Mage deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 2. Big Spell Mage - Big Spell Mage deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 3. Elemental Mage - Elemental Mage deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 4. Odd Mage - Odd Mage deck list guide (Witchwood)

Budget Witchwood Paladin Deck: Dude / Secret Paladin
This is a hybrid of the Dude and Secret Paladin archetypes. Not a bad place to start if you want to sample both kinds of gameplay in one relatively cheap shot.
Paladin | Neutral |
2 x Blessing of Might | |
2 x Lost in the Jungle | |
2 x Noble Sacrifice | |
2 x Repentance | |
2 x Righteous Protector | |
2 x Drygulch Jailor | |
1 x Equality | |
1 x Rebuke | |
2 x Aldor Peacekeeper | |
2 x Divine Favor | |
2 x Unidentified Maul | |
2 x Bellringer Sentry | |
2 x Blessing of Kings | |
1 x Consecration | |
2 x Lightfused Stegodon | |
2 x Crystal Lion | |
1 x Silver Sword |
We've got a Dude Paladin deck list guide and a Secret Paladin deck list guide if you'd like to find out more about playing both.
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAZ8FBNwD9AWd7ALh8AINRugByASnBa8Hjwm4xwLZxwLjywLW5QKJ5gK35wKt8gIA
Premium Paladin Decks
- 1. Even Paladin - Even Paladin deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 2. Odd Paladin - Odd Paladin deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 3. Secret Paladin - Secret Paladin deck list guide (Witchwood)

Budget Witchwood Priest Deck: Dragon Priest
The Dragon Priest's fortunes are not yet really known in the Witchwood, but this budget version of the deck will give you a nice taste of some of the new toys that have just been added for the format.
Priest | Neutral |
2 x Northshire Cleric | 2 x Twilight Drake |
2 x Power Word: Shield | 2 x Cobalt Scalebane |
2 x Divine Hymn | 1 x Bone Drake |
2 x Shadow Ascendant | |
2 x Shadow Word: Pain | |
2 x Shadow Word: Death | |
2 x Duskbreaker | |
2 x Tortollan Shellraiser | |
2 x Quartz Elemental | |
2 x Coffin Crasher | |
1 x Nightscale Matriarch | |
2 x Free From Amber | |
2 x Mind Control |
Have a look at our core Dragon Priest deck list guide if you need more help playing this archetype.
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAa0GAsfLAo7uAg4I5QSNCNMK1wryDNzBApnIAsrLAs7MAsvmApHtAr3zAtz1AgA=
Premium Priest Decks
- 1. Control Priest - Control Priest deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 2. Spiteful Priest - Spiteful Priest deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 3. Combo Priest - Combo Priest deck list guide (Witchwood)

Budget Witchwood Rogue Deck: Burgle Rogue
Unfortunately the creator of this Burgle Rogue deck has a distinctly un-family-friendly name and so we can't give direct credit. Still, here's a budget option for the hero in the emerging Witchwood meta:
Rogue | Neutral |
2 x Backstab | 2 x Rotten Applebaum |
2 x Hallucination | 1 x Gilnean Royal Guard |
2 x Cheap Shot | |
2 x Eviscerate | |
2 x Pick Pocket | |
1 x Sap | |
2 x Blink Fox | |
2 x Fan of Knives | |
2 x Mimic Pod | |
2 x Elven Minstrel | |
1 x Mistwraith | |
2 x Obsidian Shard | |
2 x Cursed Castaway | |
2 x Vanish | |
1 x Sprint |
Premium Rogue Decks
- 1. Tempo Rogue - Tempo Rogue deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 2. Odd Rogue - Odd Rogue deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 3. Miracle Rogue - Miracle Rogue deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 4. Thief Rogue - Thief Rogue deck list guide (Witchwood)
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAaIHBM0D9gSJ7AK87gINtAHEAZsFiAf8wQL9wQKbyALb4wKx7gLf7wLF8wK39QLH+AIA

Budget Witchwood Shaman Deck: Elemental Shaman
Elemental Shaman's looking pretty good for the new Witchwood meta, and this budget version of the deck should represent a pretty good starting point.
Shaman | Neutral |
2 x Zap! | 2 x Fire Fly |
2 x Blazing Invocation | 2 x Tar Creeper |
2 x Witch's Apprentice | 2 x Tol'vir Stoneshaper |
2 x Earthen Might | 2 x Servant of Kalimos |
2 x Fire Plume Harbinger | |
2 x Flametongue Totem | |
2 x Murmuring Elemental | |
2 x Hot Spring Guardian | |
1 x Lightning Storm | |
1 x Mana Tide Totem | |
2 x Hex | |
2 x Fire Elemental |
We've got an Elemental Shaman deck list guide that explains how to play this kind of Hearthstone deck in detail.
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAaoIAoEE9QQOvQH+BfAHk8ECmcIC68ICwsMCysMCh8QC4OoClu8CsPAC9vACifoCAA==
Premium Shaman Decks
- 1. Shudderwock Shaman - Shudderwock Shaman deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 2. Even Shaman - Even Shaman deck list guide (Witchwood)

Budget Witchwood Warlock Deck: Zoo Warlock
Good old Zoo Warlock is tough to pin down in the more expensive versions of the deck, but this budget version is solid enough for the casual player to take to the ladder.
Warlock | Neutral |
2 x Dark Possession | 2 x Devilsaur Egg |
2 x Flame Imp | |
2 x Kobold Librarian | |
2 x Voidwalker | |
2 x Witchwood Imp | |
2 x Curse of Weakness | |
2 x Demonfire | |
2 x Vulgar Homunculus | |
2 x Duskbat | |
2 x Blood Witch | |
2 x Hooked Reaver | |
2 x Ravenous Pterrordax | |
2 x Despicable Dreadlord | |
2 x Doomguard |
Our comprehensive Zoo Warlock deck list guide contains all the strategy advice you need to play this kind of deck.
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Deck Import ID: AAECAf0GAA8w9wTCCPYI58ECq8IC980C8dAC8tAC/dACuO4Cue8CnvECw/MCzvQCAA==
Premium Warlock Decks
- 1. Cubelock - Cubelock deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 2. Zoo Warlock - Zoo Warlock deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 3. Control Warlock - Control Warlock deck list guide (Witchwood)

Budget Witchwood Warrior Deck: Rush Warrior
There's a lot of love for Rush Warrior at the start of the Witchwood era, and this budget take on the deck will give you a really good feel for the archetype.
Warrior | Neutral |
2 x Town Crier | 2 x Southsea Deckhand |
2 x Upgrade! | 2 x Bloodsail Raider |
2 x Redband Wasp | 2 x Dire Wolf Alpha |
2 x Woodcutter's Axe | 1 x Witchwood Piper |
2 x Fiery War Axe | |
2 x Frothing Berserker | |
2 x Kor'kron Elite | |
2 x Militia Commander | |
1 x Mortal Strike | |
2 x Arcanite Reaper | |
2 x Festeroot Hulk | |
2 x Lesser Mithril Spellstone |
We've got a Rush Warrior deck list guide live on the site if you want some help playing this new Witchwood deck.
Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.
Premium Warrior Decks
- 1. Rush Warrior - Rush Warrior deck list guide (Witchwood)
- 2. Odd Quest Warrior - Odd Quest Warrior deck list guide (Witchwood)
That's the end of our guide to all the best Witchwood budget decks seeing play right now. We'll update this guide once again when the meta has settled down a bit, and we have a clear idea of what's working and what isn't!