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Buenas Noches, Buenos Aires: Reversion

Reversion is a freeware adventure game set in a collapsing Buenos Aires, with civil war and other excitement going on in the background. I know that all sorts of exciting things have happened in the recent past because a doctor told me. He had to tell me because I've woken up in a hospital bed with a severe case of amnesia. Whenever I find myself in control of an amnesiac I smash the emergency glass that covers my Hat Of Exposition Deflection immediately. That once robust garment is now in tatters and every time I breathe, I regurgitate a fragment of the couple of decades' worth of fictional Argentinian future-history that's been inflicted on me.

"I'm intrigued about remembering how and when it was, how it developed?" I ask the doctor, even though to do so shall surely lead to nothing good. He is brief, at least, although most of his explanations are along the lines, "I don't really understand why/how/who", which almost makes it anti-exposition. I'm almost definitely being overly critical, after all there's nothing forcing me to click on every possible response, but I'm always worried about missing something important, or funny, or both.

Maybe in Reversion all the laughter and chin-stroking is just beyond that hospital. It's beautifully painted and I'd like to see more but Dr Explainaway has poisoned me for now. Maybe I'll take another look when more than the first chapter is available, if I hear good things. Go and play it and tell me if there are good things! Tell me if there is a detailed explanation as to why the lead character displays his belt buckle so prominently and whether it is as much like the charmless Runaway series as my brief impressions suggest it may be.

Also, watch this trailer and be confused by the Argentinian man who takes up residence in your ears for its duration.

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Fear not - although the voices within the game are about as English as a frank discussion about 'Adolescent Issues' between a father and son, there are words written on the screen that everybody can read. Except for people who can't read English and they'd be fools to stare at my incomprehensible ravings for this long anyway. I only wish they could look upon this gibberish and know that every word of it is an expression of deepest affection for them and all that they stand for.


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