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Bugging Out: Infested Planet

Look look look look look look look look. Someone has watched Starship Troopers a dozen times in a row and then, after fondling his chin and scrutinising the grander philosophies of the universe, concluded: "You know what I think? I think: videogame." That person is blessed Canadian Alex Vostrov, of Rocket Bear Games. And the game he made is Infested Planet, which you can see visual evidence of down below.

Infested Planet is a strategy game that gives you five soldiers to fight off up to 100,000 alien nasties on a randomly generated map. That'd be like trying to bat away a Zerg rush with a rolled up copy of OK! Magazine. You can even the odds by building new tech and weapons and placing turrets. But OH NO. the aliens mutate in tandem, developing poisonous attacks or even spawning evil clones of your own soldiers. Evil clones. Every game needs them.

It's still in development but you can pre-order to get access to the beta, if you're an impatient so-and-so. And if you're still not convinced that this looks very deep, have a read of Alex's sample battle report, which details a 17 minute game on Master difficulty level. My favourite part is when he shoots the aliens.

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