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Pew Pew: Watch Nine Minutes Of Captain Forever Remix

A lovely '90s cartoon style

When Pixelsaurus Games announced last year that they were "reimagining" Captain Forever, the roguelikelike build-a-spaceship shoot 'em up by Farbs, I didn't realise it'd look quite so adorable or be quite so, well, video game-y.

A new gameplay trailer shows off nine minutes of Captain Forever Remix [official site] and its gorgeous, bold, and slightly gross cartoon art style. The core Captain Forever kill-loot-build-kill loop still looks ace, but now it's picked up persistent progression and fancy new items. Come see!

Captain Forever, to explain a little, is a top-down shoot 'em up where you can redesign your ship at any time, looting bulkheads, engines, and weapons from enemies you destroy. You start with a teensy little thing and can, if you want, end up with anything from a hulking great tank of a battlecruiser with a dozen guns to a fast, sleek, agile frigate able to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. It's pretty great. You can still try the original by Farbs for free right in your browser.

Captain Forever Remix takes that then boshes on new bits. It goes from retro vector graphics to retro cartoons, with a lovely style inspired by '90s cartoons. And it has a story. And levels. And new weapon types and new modules like laser shields. And different classes through 'starter kits', unlockable collections of bits you start with, like a Melee Kit, Sniper Kit, and Shield Kit. And a persistent upgrade system to boost those kits. It all looks jolly interesting.

It'll arrive on Steam Early Access in March. I'll probably skip the Early Access and wait for the finished game, but am quite keen to play this. Have a look:

Watch on YouTube

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