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CDP Spells It Out: No DRM For The Witcher 3

The curse of DRM remains lifted

Here's some very good news: CD Projekt Red are keeping their promise, and The Witcher 3 is to feature no DRM whatsoever. It's odd, because they feel like the sort of company that never would in the first place - what with their connections to GOG and all. But CDP have stuck their fingers in the icky pot of DRM in the past. And of course they were embroiled in the epically dick move of threatening alleged pirates with bullying lawsuits. It seems that this ill behaviour is behind them now, and they're making efforts to reassure people that there's to be not a drip of DRM in The Witcher 3. Hoorah!

It seems there were murmurings of concern after recently announced distribution deals, so CDP's joint CEO, Marcin Iwinski, made their position ultra-clear:

“Hey, following our recent announcement of the distribution deals of The Witcher 3 in North America and Europe, there have been some concerns regarding DRM and previous legal issues with The Witcher 2. We’ve seen a lot of comments in various places around the web and we would like to join in on the conversation.

“I’d like to say it loud and clear: The PC version of The Witcher 3 will have absolutely no DRM from day 0. Zero. Zip. Nada. It doesn’t matter if you choose to buy it on and support us directly or buy the game in box format, you’ll still get the 100% DRM-free experience. And this goes for the whole world.

"We’ve fiddled with DRM in the past (Oh boy! How young and naïve we were;)) and that’s enough. Lesson learned."

Which is tremendous news. Of course people then - like a school assembly - immediately chorused together, "Buuuut Steeeaaaaaam iisss DRM!" Yes, yes it is. So he added,

"It’ll be on Steam; the team isn’t going to exclude that community by any means. Gamers have a choice in where they buy their games, but where CDPR does have control — like — there will be absolutely no DRM."

So there you go. You'll be able to pay for and enjoy The Witcher 3 just as you want.

Update: Here is CDP explaining why they're doing what they're doing:

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