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Chet-Chat On Eurogamer

You know what's quite good? That Left 4 Dead game. I quite like it. Also, you know who's a nice guy? That Chet Faliszek - you know, the one that isn't Erik Wolpaw (he loves it when people say that!) off of Old Man Murray. Apparently he had something to do with Left 4 Dead. I imagine he wrote a joke for it or something. There's probably a joke in it somewhere.

Eurogamer are having a live chitchat with him today at 5pm. You'll be able to submit questions and everything.

Here are some questions we suggest asking:

"What is it like working with Erik Wolpaw?"

"Is Erik Wolpaw as funny in real life as he is on the internet?"

"What's your favourite joke Erik Wolpaw ever told?"

"Which bits did you write for Portal?"

You might have your own questions, obviously, but these are the important ones. Their place, 5pm (-4.45am, Tuesday 15th March, 1766 US time).

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