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Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court expansion released

Bloody good fun

Splendidly cruel dungeon crawler Darkest Dungeon [official site] has launched its first expansion, The Crimson Court. The expansion's focus is the eponymous aristocratic vampires, though Darkest Dungeon handles this idea in a different way than the usual bloodsucking toffs. This lot have become mosquitofolks with proboscis-like noses and, as the curse takes hold, mandibles, blood-bloated bellies and worse mutations. They look awful. I am excited to meet and murder them. Also in the expansion are new areas, weapons, items, and a hero class, the Flagellant. See in the launch trailer:

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Ooh that Ancestor hasn't half caused some trouble in his lust for forbidden knowledge!

The Crimson Court bring all sorts of new enemy classes living in their own dungeon district, The Courtyard. We get to murder them, sure, but we might also fancy a spot of bloodthirst ourselves. The Crimson Court can afflict members with the Crimson Curse, and I suspect a little bloodlust can be handy. Up until the new wandering boss, The Fanatic, arrives to purge parties suffering from the Curse. He's a real murdermonk. Oh god, does he try to burn party members at the stake?

One friendlier zealot is the Flagellant, the new hero class. He's real into blood but it's more his own he likes seeing, swinging flails, hooks, spikes, and other things to make his own life unhappy. They're probably bad for enemies too.

Also new! Building town 'Districts' offering passive bonuses, new trinkets with set bonuses, new weapons, and so on and so forth.

Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Curse is out now for £6.99/$9.99 on Steam. It's coming to GOG and the rest too, though doesn't seem to be out there yet. An update with balance tweaks aplenty is out today too.

Oh, a reminder for folks who might not have played Darkest Dungeon in yonks: it did recently add Radiant mode, which makes the game shorter but not much easier. If the grind ground you down, you might dig that.

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