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Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Announced

Still furious at Dead Rising 2 standalone episodes Case Zero and Case West not seeing a PC release? Nevermind. Not sure what they are? OK.

Forget all that, because Capcom's announced something much more significant that will be seeing a PC release. Dead Rising 2: Off The Record is Dead Rising 2 re-imagined with photojournalist Frank West, the protagonist from the first Dead Rising, replacing motocross star Chuck Greene. Sound like a cheap cash-in? You'd be wrong, sir. DEAD wrong. Full features list and debut trailer after the jump.

More Features

- Frank west is back – The original Dead Rising hero returns to get the scoop on the Fortune City outbreak.

- Fortune City but not as you know it – Experience a re-interpretation of the Fortune City outbreak through the eyes and camera of photojournalist Frank West.

- New story and missions unique to Frank West

- New environments

- New enemies and more psychotic Psychos

- New crazy and hilarious combo-weapons

- New items and vehicles

- Say “Cheese!” – Capture those classic, violent, scary, hilarious Dead Rising moments, earn Prestige Points and complete all new missions with Frank’s new and improved camera feature.

- upgraded Experience – Full of technical improvements, system enhancements and feature upgrades to create a faster, smoother, more satisfying Dead Rising.

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