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Deus Ex 3's First Level, Blow-By-Blow

We were careful to not give away too many specifics in our chat about Human Revolution's opening level, but pray allow me to provide you with a lengthy description of just what kind of world this new Deus Ex 3 lives in, and the events that lead up to Adam Jensen becoming the bio-mechanical chatty deathmachine we've seen in previous trailers.

Not in this post alas, though there is much DX3 stuff to come on RPS. I threw all caution to the wind when covering the game for Eurogamer and went as specific as my crazed notes about the play session allowed. So you'll find stuff like:

Jensen's the Johnny on the spot, sent back downstairs by a shocked Sarif to deal with this brutal incursion. He's given a gun, and it's not long before he's crawling through a vent: two of Deus Ex's mainstays, present and correct.

Outside, beyond huge glass windows, the city looms, vast and golden. Inside Sarif Industries, it's cramped, gloomy and murderous. Jensen is easily felled by the roaming goons, which means stealth is a necessity for now.

And the rest? Why, that's here. Ton-o-spoilers from the game's first level (and nothing beyond), if you're militant about that sort of thing.

You can also find me having my own chat with the game's narrative designer over on, where we discuss the current standing of games writing and how it's changed over the years - plus why the idea of "a games writer" might just be incorrect anyway.

More, much more to come on the 24th - there's so much you don't know yet. I WANT TO TELL YOU.

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