Diablo 3, Is That You?
The rumour mills are whirring again with thoughts of Diablo 3's imminent announcement. (The rumour mills, by the way, are still horrific Victorian dungeons, forcing children to work sixteen-hour days in horrendous conditions). Blizzard have a job advert up on their site that heavily hints that production might well be happening.
"The team behind Diablo I and II is looking for a skilled lead 3D level designer with experience building levels using Maya or other similar 3D level building tools. The ideal candidate has experience creating levels in a senior or lead role on a shipped game. We would also like for this candidate to have excellent analytical understanding of competitive online play with various Blizzard Entertainment games and mods (real-time strategy, World of Warcraft, Defense of the Ancients, etc.)"
So, obviously a new Diablo would be online for co-op play. But what about this? What if it's not Diablo 3, but World Of Diablo? A sort of "show them how Hellgate should have been done" thing. Just putting it out there.
[via Videogamer]