Diablo III Completed On Inferno With Hardcore Character
One of the frontiers of gaming has been conquered! Unlike real frontiers, in gaming we get to just make more when they run out, so cheer up, there's going to be a new Antarctica for you to perish in before long. Anyway, the latest greatest in gameworld is the completion of Diablo III on Inferno with a hardcore character. So that's completing it on "very hard" with a character who is permanently dead if he gets his plug pulled by netherworld bullies. VG247 pointed out that Blizzard community manager Bashiok was able to verify the claim via the unmagic of their stat collecting tech. There's a video below, but it's a bit spoilery if you've not finished D3, obviously.
Well done, anyway. This is something I am not even going to attempt. The sedate games of this I play with Lady Rossignol are much more about just sifting for treasure in the heaps of debris we leave behind as we clean up the unruly demons. Nice and gentle. Yes.