Diabo III: Antagonism & Screenshots
It's a funny thing, Diablo III. On the one hand, we know practically everything we need to know about it, based on confirmation that's it sticking closely to what's gone before. On the other, we have very little HARD FACT about it. We only know what two of the character classes are, for instance, while multiplayer system Battle.net 2 remains largely under wraps. For now, all a fanbase that can't wait to hack and slash and slash and hack gets is hints - and oddly antagonistic ones at that.
Speaking to Videogamer.com, lead designer Jay Wilson made this poke: "All the barbarian players are delighted and all the necromancers hate us. I understand, I don't begrudge them that. I would hate me too! But what I would say is that when we announce the next class, which is quite similar to a previous class, then all those players will hate us too."
So, Sorceress replaced by fez-wearing Gnome gadgeteer? Paladin's boots to be filled by Cadfael? We'll find out soon. Meantime, here are s a few new screenshots to feast those hungry eyes upon. It may just be my paranoid imagination, but it seems as those some of these are deliberately designed to look gloomier than the first screens, perhaps to quiten the perma-outraged "WoW gayness" Angry Internet Men.