DNF Release Date, Snakes Rise From Graves
UPDATE: Launch trailer added below! Watch it. [Eh, watching Duke Nukem trailers, that's a weird one, isn't it? -Jim]
See, even though this is real, I still don't believe it. Your partner can't cheat on you, lie to you, never be there for you for so many years, and then just turn over a new leaf. Who cares what's changed? I just refuse to accept that it will happen. I can't allow myself to be hurt again. Eurogamer report the date for a Duke Nukem Forever release date, quoting a site I daren't link to any longer (and more because it's bloody well playing music at me when I open it, with no obvious off switch.) It's going to be the 3rd May for the USA, and the 6th for the rest of the world. Yeah, right, whatever.
It's a first-person shooter videogame!