Lace Up Your Gunboots: Downwell Released
Better than those shoes with keys in the sole
Bayonetta sold me wholly on gunshoes but, if Platinum's kickwitch won't come to PC (seems so), I'll get my fix of kerblamky boots elsewhere. Like Downwell [official site].
The depths-plumbing platformer sees a low-fi kid with gunshoes venturing down a well to find fame and fortune, blasting monsters while collecting weapons, items, and cash. The premise caught the eye of those nice Devolver Digital folks, who've helped solo developer Moppin to a PC release. That's out now, priced at only £2.
That's it. Down you go, jumping around, blasting monsters with your boots that (obviously) shoot downwards, collecting treasure, visiting shops, and getting fancier boots and items. Each visit down the well is procedurally-generated, so if you die you'll have a whole new adventure.
Sound aside, it's the work of lone developer Ojiro 'Moppin' Fumoto. Cara Ellison, friend of RPS and flatmate of me, hung with him when her game dev globetrotting took her to Tokyo, which makes for interesting reading. He was in his final year of university, working on Downwell in his spare time, when Devolver Digital saw it and wrote a cheque. And here we are today.
Downwell is out on Windows through Steam for £1.99. Have a launch trailer: