It's Here (Or Is It?) - Duke Nukem Forever
Today's the day. Today is the day. The day that over a decade of abject silliness is finally resolved: Duke Nukem Forever has been released. Good grief! It's actually happened. It's available in shops, whatever they are, right now, and also on Steam. Unfortunately, a number of players, myself included, are experiencing a problem wherein over 100 game files - including the main .exe - are not downloaded, thus preventing access to the game. (Yes, I've tried validating and redownloading; no, it didn't work). Graaaaaaaah! A final, cosmic joke perhaps? I hope you're not prey to it, but it does mean my plans to run an as-I-play liveblog have been denied for the time being.
So, anyone fired it up yet? How's it seem? And how does it feel, to be playing this game of such infamy?