E3: The Trailers - DC Universe Online
From the Sony conference:
My, how very earnest. And is that Peter 'Optimus Prime' Cullen doing the irony-free voiceover, or just my stupid imagination? Suitably comic-booky anyway, and apparently a very straight-laced take on the DC Universe, as opposed to the incomprehensible muddle it seems to be in over in the comics at the moment.
No discussion of how the combat/levelling will work sadly, but at least it seems to promise you'll encounter established characters often. Potentially it's the first big PC and console MMO since Final Fantasy XI, which may mean it's a little simpler (I'm commenting on the PS3 controller, not the audience there) than standard fare, or that it's something entirely different from the Everquestian norm. Need to know more, basically. Champions seems superficially like the better bet for massively multisuperheroism right now, but I don't doubt that this'll have an unimaginable amount of money behind it, thanks to the twin hyper-corporations of Sony and Warner. Hopefully the fisticuffs will be a little more dynamic in the finished game. We wouldn't want an Undynamic Dynamic Duo, after all.