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Have You Played... Eldritch?

Phantasmagorial thief

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day, perhaps for all time.

Overtly Lovecraftian, subtly Thiefesque, Eldritch [official site] is a glorious experiment in lo-fi stealth-horror.

On one level, it's a first-person, slow-paced Spelunky. There's the same sequence of action and consequence that can lead to floors collapsing beneath your feet, creatures seeming to spill out of the walls, and traps either ending or saving your life.

On another level, it's Thief's Bonehoard done right. Deep underground in claustrophobic places, hunted by horrors and haunts, you need to listen to every sound and creep around every corner.

On every level, Eldritch is fantastic.

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