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(Entire) Life Science: Portal 2 Perpetual Test Initiative Out

Finding your true calling is tough. Perhaps, for instance, you have the diabolical, mustachioed mind of a puzzle designer, but some horrific mutation has left you with the largely unhelpful hands of a pirate, ghost, or lobster. And also, you're kind of lazy. Well, so much for coding your dreams into virtual reality. Guess you'll have to settle for a life of convenience store tedium or awesome high-seas swashbuckling. Fortunately, you're exactly who Valve had in mind when it created the exceedingly easy-to-use Perpetual Testing Initiative mapmaker.

OK, maybe not exactly. Your case is pretty specific. But close enough. Browsing through the Steam Workshop, there's already some impressively complex brain (and space-time continuum) bending stuff on display. I'm re-downloading Portal 2 as we speak, so a roundup of the best and least prone to making me feel dumb can't be too far off. Will yours be among them? Only if you stop twiddling your giant lobster thumbs and get cracking now.

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